Precious tears

In my last post, I asked you to discover at least one blessing which you've got after getting sick.let's start with the one that I found worth mentioning Sickness brings Sensitivity Isn't it true that only after getting sick you have become more sensitive and tender hearted ,now you can realize not just your own pain.. but also you got hurt seeing someone else in a pain. Many times in the hospitals you may have seen people who burst into tears, not just because of their own sickness but seeing someone else in a situation similar to or even worse than their own condition... Once I saw a mother in hospital who was wondering here and there, from one place to another, but in search of what ? an extremely essential component of life, the worth of which could be only realised by those who really need it....yes,the thalassaemia major default, their bodies are not capable of producing healthy blood by its own. Therefore,she was searching for the ...