Precious tears

In my last post, I asked you to discover at least one blessing which you've got after getting sick.let's start with the one that I found worth mentioning

Sickness brings Sensitivity

Isn't it true that only after getting sick you have become more sensitive and tender hearted ,now you can realize not just your own pain.. but also you got hurt seeing someone else in a pain.

Many times in  the hospitals you may have seen people who burst into tears, not just because of their own sickness but seeing someone else in a situation similar to or even worse than their own condition...

Once I saw a mother in hospital who was wondering here and there, from one place to another, but in search of what ? an extremely essential component of life, the worth of which could be only realised by those who really need it....yes,the thalassaemia major default, their bodies are not capable of producing healthy blood by its own.

Therefore,she was searching for the properly matched blood for her thalassemia major child and eventually she did not get it because of the shortage and unavailability.Her child was in pain and was infected with hepatitis B as well,isn't it a real dilemma that many patients who are fully dependent on blood transfusion for their survival could hardly afford these hurdles and financial expenses of the treatment  get improperly screened and infected blood  which makes their lives much more complicated and difficult?

can you imagine the level of distress experienced by Thalassaemia patients and their relatives ,every month or even more?

And then after a while, I saw her standing in the passage telling her problem to another woman ,all of a sudden the lady who was listening to her started shedding tears...she was weeping silently

         These tears seem to be much heavier than the oceans

The oceans of pain,sympathy,synergy,compassion,sensitivity and care?A mother was weeping for another mother as if she is recognizing and experiencing all her pains,struggles, and hardships.

 subhanAllah,such an inspiring and admirable feelings that a person could have for his fellow human beings.

A worth mentioning quotation by anonymous which says "Even the animals could feel their own pain but the humans are the species who feel other's pain as well"

         This is a real blessing that being a human you can receive, the realisation of other's suffering... Being sensitive enough to feel their pain as well

                     I really appreciate these sentiments....because as a society we really need  it and it goes a long way.


In the current situation of too much chaos,conflict, and cruelty,where people can hardly think and feel of other's wounds...where humanity is dying day by day...people have become emotionless, mechanic and heartless.

If you could be the one with a tender heart who can feel and sense...could shed some tear realizing their suffering....could take their problems as your own....and try to solve them with the core of your heart.

If you could do this,believe me, you will find your Lord on your back and support... One day the Almighty will remove all your worries and will turn them into happiness.(inshaAllah)

Pass these tears.

I wish I could pass these little but the most precious tears to everyone on this planet, to the rulers who could implement prevention laws to stop transmission of  all preventable diseases,to the scientists who could explore much more to cure the seemingly incurable diseases,to the doctors and medical students who can spread more awareness to combat diseases,to the writers who could write for the moral support of these patients,to the rich who can relieve someone's pain with their financial support,to the poor who can raise their hands for prayer and pass their sincere wishes, to the healthy who can save lives by donating their blood to these patients.

Support and prevent Thalassaemia by spreading awareness.

click here to know more about Thalassaemia.

Don't forget to share,thanks for reading.


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