An ongoing Journey of seeking health,cure and healing

Have you ever felt helpless and tired of searching the cure of any disease you or your loved one is having for years?how it pierces your heart while seeing your closed ones in pain and not being able to relieve it.

you are there but actually, you are not..........entirely lost and scattered;physically,emotionally, spiritually and of the most difficult situations a person can face in his life... 

A time,when you have a deep intense desire to reduce or completely eliminate such a chronic disease but then,you find yourself  got stuck and find no way to get out of it.

It is not uncommon to feel helpless, hopeless,depressed and miserable in the toughest situation ,where with all scientific advancements and health care facilities you find yourself empty-handed in a quest for the cure.

According to WHO fact sheet(April 2016)
                         "Depression is a common illness worldwide with an estimated 350 million people affected"
   According to webMd
"Depression is the most common complications of many chronic illnesses"


                  why did I start writing this blog ?

This blog "quest 4 cure"is not just my own journey of knowledge,faith, and thankfulness which I experienced as a doctor and a mother of a Thalassaemia Major child.
(InshaAllah) In my future posts, I will be writing to fulfill the following objectives.
  • To spread health awareness especially focusing on disease Thalassemia major.
  • To Cultivate hope and courage especially for those suffering from seemingly incurable diseases like the genetic diseases.
  •  To highlight the importance of self-management,patience and still being thankful while fighting with the illness
  • To discuss 4 main ingredients of complete health....exploring physical,  emotional, spiritual and intellectual aspects of healing
  •  to connect with the medical students,doctors and researchers in an  effort to bring positive change in your life.

                                 Is this blog right for me?

Yes,This blog is for you

  1.  If you or your closed one is having a disease that bothers you and draining your energy.
  2. you want to share your story of struggle while fighting the disease that could inspire others to live with enthusiasm 
  3. you are a medical student or a doctor who is learning and working on new treatment approaches to manage diseases
  4. you have researched on a subject/Topic and found something amazing that could improve treatment and management of any disease.
  5. you want to help the sick by giving moral and financial support.

Just imagine if we could bring a smile on someone's face or could wipe off someone's tears by giving hope and courage, it would definitely be an invaluable achievement for all of us.

 I would love to listen to your feelings, obstacles, and struggles in your quest for the cure.

If you are a doctor/medical student/researcher and achieved some breakthroughs in treating and managing diseases please feel free to share it.

please comment below because I want to keep this blog as interactive as possible.Thanks for reading


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