
Honour your journey

This Ramadan I decided to reflect on my life journey and planned to set the goals and direction for the rest of my life.. I have spent my last 8 years being a mother of thalassemia major son striving to fight thalassemia major (a genetic blood disorder where body doesn't make healthy heamoglobin)and when I am writing this blog by the grace of Almighty he has been treated with bone marrow transplant and it has been a year passed by and Alhamdulillah he is growing well by the grace of Almighty. Alhamdulillah now he is no more dependant on blood transfusion and his body is making hemoglobin of his own Alhamdulillah..still he is on regular follow up and I request you all to pray for his health and  wellness in the long run. When I reflect on my journey..I realized it all happened for a reason ,there was a great  purpose and meanings behind that This reminds me of the verse of Quran  and these words stick into my mindربنا ما خلقت هذا باطلا. The translation of these verses are ...

Precious tears

In my last post, I asked you to discover at least one blessing which you've got after getting sick.let's start with the one that I found worth mentioning Sickness brings Sensitivity Isn't it true that only after getting sick you have become more sensitive and tender hearted ,now you can realize not just your own pain.. but also you got hurt seeing someone else in a pain. Many times in  the hospitals you may have seen people who burst into tears, not just because of their own sickness but seeing someone else in a situation similar to or even worse than their own condition... Once I saw a mother in hospital who was wondering here and there, from one place to another, but in search of what ? an extremely essential component of life, the worth of which could be only realised by those who really need it....yes,the thalassaemia major default, their bodies are not capable of producing healthy blood by its own. Therefore,she was searching for the ...

Heal the broken souls with the powerful wordings of God.

Heal the broken souls with the powerful wordings of God. In the hustle and bustle of daily life , dealing with stressful situations and constant task switching from one endeavor to an attempt  to balance our different roles and goals.sometimes we really feel defeated and depressed. Just like physical intake of diet and nutrition, we need a constant dose of spiritual energy intake to boost our emotional, mental and psychological health. No words are more powerful and healing to our souls than the words of Our Almighty creator. This beautiful chapter in the last revelation (the noble Quran) sent down to the prophet Muhammad(may peace and blessing be upon him) remind us of our purpose of creation, the rewards of being patient, faithful  and consistent in doing righteous deeds.

If you are too worried about the results?must listen to this story and think again

All of us want sudden change and results for all of our efforts, hard work, time and energy spent on a specific task, in fact, instant rewards often motivate us to move forward but in reality, we have to face many delays and obstacles in our way that pull us down and distract us from keeping focus on that specific task.. what is the solution then? The story of Planting the teak tree. This a great reminder for all of us who are working hard to achieve some short term and long term goals in any field or discipline.In spite of all failures and disappointments, Our job is not to worry about the results or rewards, our job is to do what best we can, to do something, that will someday, will benefit someone.(Manoj Vasudevan) Did you find this speech helpful in getting a new direction in your life? stop worrying about the immediate results and rewards for your efforts.?.... Isn't it worth living to leave behind somethin...

The biggest challenge faced by majority of us

                                what is the biggest challenge faced by majority of us? what could be the most challenging thing for you ? Either if  you are suffering from any disease or nursing and taking care of the patients or even if you are living a healthy stress-free life? No matter how luxurious and blessed your life is in actual ,it is full of challenges. challenges from inside our own selves and from the outside world as well . life is full of ups and downs...happiness and sadness go side by side. . so come to the question again what is your biggest challenge in life? Initially I thought it could be patience?...infact  having patience in all circumstances could be the hardest thing especially for those suffering from chronic diseases like thalassaemia major,sickle cell disease,cystic fibrosis,Asthma and others..... for many reasons it seems to be the m...

What is Anemia?learn from this simple analogy.

what is Anemia?Role of Red Blood cells in your Blood Anemia  is the condition due to the decrease in Red blood cells either due to blood loss,decrease/ faulty production or destruction of Red blood cells. Red blood cells are wonderfully designed by our creator to carry the oxygen from the lungs and when the blood is pumped through the heart,these red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body like the vehicles filled with cash ..see this simple and interesting analogy of money containing trucks with Red blood cells carrying oxygen in this video. Did you find this video helpful in understanding Anemia and the Role of red blood cells in our body? please comment below.Thanks for watching.

The power of prayer; four Beautiful prayers (duas) in 4 situations

Shaykh Sha'arawiy says:   عجبتُ لأربع يغفلون عن أربع: I'm baffled by four persons faced by four situations, but forget four solutions:   1 - عجبتُ لمن ابتُـلى ( بغم ) ، كيف يغفل عن قول : ۞ لا إلهَ إلاّ أنتَ سُبحانكَ إني كنتُ من الظالمين ۞ 1. Someone in Grief, how does he forget: (Laa ilaaha illaa anta, sub-haanaka, innii kuntu minadzaalimeen). Don't you see what Allah says afterwards?   والله يقول بعدها ؛  ۞ فاستجبنا لهُ ونجيناهُ من الغم ۞ "So, we responded to him and saved him from GRIEF..."   2 - عجبتُ لمن ابتُـلى ( بضرّ ) ، كيف يغفل عن قول : ۞ ربي إني مسّنيَ الضرُ وأنتَ أرحمُ الراحمين ۞  2. Someone in SICKNESS, how does he forget to say (Rabbii innii massaniya-dhurr wa anta Arhamur-Raahimeen) Don't you see what Allah says afterwards? والله يقول بعدها ؛ ۞ فا ستجبنا له وكشفنا ما به من ضر ۞ "So, we responded to him and cured him from all his SICKNESS..."   3 -عجبتُ لمن ابتُـلى ( بخوفٍ ) ، كيف يغفل عن قول : ۞ حسبنا الله ونعم الوكي...